Monday, January 5, 2009

Surviving Christmas

No, it wasn't the name of some seriously funny Tim Allen christmas flick ((does he even make any other kind??)), this was christmas again this year. It was our second christmas in a row with DH downrange and it came pretty close to sucking. Christmas Eve found me sobbing in my room, miserable beyond all comprehension and willing myself to get it all out that way I could still give the kids a good cheerful christmas the next day. We ate dinner with my friend J and her family. I have to tell you, I almost backed out at the last second pleading exhuastion. Facing a happy family on christmas wasn't really something that I thought I was ready for. But I'ms o glad I went. It's so easy for me to forget how much human contact helps. How being around friends and family on the holidays can ease that stabbing pain to a dull throb.

It's been kind of rough talking to DH the past few weeks. He got a crappy location, complete with lack of computers. I bought him a laptop but it's shipping here from the states so I can make sure everythign is already loaded and ready for use. I don't have time to explain to DH how to download yahoo messenger for instance. Okay, so I have time. Lots of time. But I have no patience for it. He no longer asks me for help at home either because after teh third time he asks I kick him out of the chair and do it for him. Its one of the many reasons I gave up on the idea of being a teacher.

But now school has resumed and I'm strugglign to get back into the swing of things. I'm exhausted because once again, I stayed up all night reading. I'm going to have to invest in a timer to keep myself from doin that anymore. It's getting kind of ridiculous to realize how late it is because the sun is coming up and then trying to stay awake through out the day.

I've been doing my flylady routines and tehy're helping immensely. I on't really want to face what kind of disaster area this house would be without at least following through my evening routines. I even went and got the frugal e book from Now there's something that's worth the cost! Ten dollars for twelve weeks of six serving dinner plans, complete with shopping lists. My kids love it and I have no excuse for Burger King when I have everything on hand. I suppose that means I'll lose more weight too. :D But all in all, we're still alive here, still struggling at times, but still alive. That's got to count for something.

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