Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Here we go again

First, a little about me. I'm Kayti. I have five children of my own and a stepson who lives in Georgia with his mother. I also have a husky puppy who is the bane of my existance. My husband's name is Ben. Everyone else I ever blog about including my children, I'll either nickname or I'll abbreviate to their first initial. This is for persec. Or for you civilians out there, personal security. I don't know what kind of whackjobs are out there reading this.

I'm an army wife. Hence the name of my blog. My husband is preparing to head out on his third deployment. We've had little to no warning about this one and he only came home a few months ago so I'm a little on the irked side. But life is what it is so all I can do is paste on a smile, stick some love notes in his rucksack and start planning his care packages.

I'm an avid quilter and knitter. Actually, I love crafting of all types. So I may post progress on my various works in progress ((or WIP's)) from time to time. To tell you the truth, I'm not certain what I'll be blogging about in general. Blogging has helped me through his last two deployments. I know it will help me with this one.

Welcome to The Yellow Ribbon. Welcome to my life.


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